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I really like the game concept it is straightforward and easy to understand.

  • Occasionally I pressed space instead of "W" to jump as it seemed more intuitive, but the "A" and "D" I had no issues with 
  • I did not read the full text for the power ups as it was too long
  • Some visual  feedback when collecting a power up might be nice to have

Looking forward for the final version of the game with some nice visuals and sound!

  • Cool starting screen!
  • Power ups pop up in the tutorial is very wordy, a one or two short sentences and simple diagrams are usually sufficient
  • There is no back button in the high score section
  • Would be cool if each power up looked different for strategic purposes
  • The post-tutorial game level feels very dark compared to the brightness of the tutorial
  • Unsure as to why there are two level start prompts, new game and press space to start

Interesting concept, easy to get to grips with and understand after completing the tutorial and playing a round or two!

I understand that this may be a simplified version of the games' aesthetics, but the minimal approach is appealing, adding some futuristic effects and audio would compliment this well.

Using W and S felt a bit odd since most games opt for the space bar as a jump, but that could come down to my personal preference. 

There was a lot of text in the tutorial regarding power ups, I didn't read them on my first play. I saw the word power up and understood what it meant.

The UI could do with being bigger or not being there at all in the finished game. 

Overall, I look forward to seeing how the game develops :)

Cool gameplay idea with timing jumps and lining up the obstacles ahead at the same time.   As for the art style of this genre of running game, maybe something similar to Beat Saber could work well. 

Two things I found frustrating were: 

  • I kept instinctively pressing space to jump instead of the W key, maybe that's just me lol
  • I found it hard to judge how far from the ground I was for jumping at the right time, maybe you could put it all inside a tube or have the player running along a narrow platform in the centre, I felt as though I didn't really know where my feet were in relation to the obstacles I'm supposed to be jumping over.